Tuesday, May 29, 2012

I'm on Second Life so much that there's simply no need to not blog about it. If I don't forget about it, then I'll record my SL experiences this summer here. I can start with what happened today and yesterday.
Yesterday, I found myself at this totally perverted 'high school' with a friend from when I used to dance. I don't dance so much anymore because I've been waiting for a call back about a new job I might get, but I don't think I'm going to hear from them any time soon. :c It would have been a big break for me, but oh well. Anyway, so my friend was showing the school he 'teaches Spanish' at. I don't believe him! There was hentai all over the place. He probably doesn't even know what 'hentai' is. But anyway, so he was showing me around and I was gawking unattractively because it wasn't what I expected at all. Then he was all trying to spank my butt and I was all, don't even! He was horny as hell. So I taught him a lesson. I shoved him into a corner and made him pay. He was sorry afterwards. After that, I talked to my friends Aur and Morrak and Aur was busy, so Morrak came 'round and we danced on my porch and it was awesome until he had to leave because he was falling asleep.

After that, I was attempting to look for another job as a model, which is actually kind of difficult to find. I looked up and down and around for hours looking, and was unsuccessful. But at least my She Hulk inspired outfit looked good.

Then, I took my sleepy ass to bed in RL.

Today, I was hanging out in Love and saw the 'school teacher' guy online, so I decided to see what he was up to. He can't get enough of me now, so I tempted him a little more. He'd be terrible as the dominant one, but as the sub, he's fantastic. But then my Internet went out and he left. It was late in Spain for him, anyway. Then I logged for a bit, came back, and invited a totes dumb guy to my house. At first, I didn't think it'd be so bad. But then he went and made everything all awkward and stuff, coming 'round to my house and saying things about how men and lady parts are 'made to fit together' or whatever. Luckily he logged the hell off and hopefully won't come back for a while. Yuck. Non-feminists are not ok. I am so throwing his calling card in the trash.
Then, I made my first non-ugly thing: A pair of purple socks. That took all of like, 2 minutes. They had to go with my second She Hulk inspired outfit, of course. I tried to make other things, too, but gave up. I'm a terrible SL designer. I should just stop, but I keep trying anyway. But at least I can say that I know how to make socks.

I logged out for a while, then came back and Chip was there, so everything was fine after that. He makes everything so much better and he always makes me laugh and knows how to deal with me. I love that about him. But after getting a little frisky, I was sad that he had to leave. Aww. It's always a little sad to see him go. He didn't even get to take this body to the bedroom, but oh well. I guess it happens.
After that, I changed into jammies and tried to make a tattoo and shorts. Wow, those were hideous! I threw them away. I hope I can get the hang of it someday, but not today!